This class can be used to automatically save the depth information of a rendering into a texture.
[example:webgl_depth_texture depth / texture]
[page:Number width] -- width of the texture.
[page:Number height] -- height of the texture.
[page:Constant type] -- Default is [page:Textures THREE.UnsignedIntType]. See [page:DepthTexture DepthTexture.type] for other choices.
[page:Constant mapping] -- See [page:Textures mapping mode constants] for
[page:Constant wrapS] -- The default is [page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping].
See [page:Textures wrap mode constants] for
other choices.
[page:Constant wrapT] -- The default is [page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping].
See [page:Textures wrap mode constants] for
other choices.
[page:Constant magFilter] -- How the texture is sampled when a texel
covers more than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter].
See [page:Textures magnification filter constants]
for other choices.
[page:Constant minFilter] -- How the texture is sampled when a texel
covers less than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter].
See [page:Textures minification filter constants]
for other choices.
[page:Number anisotropy] -- The number of samples taken along the axis
through the pixel that has the highest density of texels. By default, this
value is `1`. A higher value gives a less blurry result than a basic mipmap,
at the cost of more texture samples being used. Use
[page:WebGLrenderer.getMaxAnisotropy renderer.getMaxAnisotropy]() to find
the maximum valid anisotropy value for the GPU; this value is usually a
power of 2.
[page:Constant format] -- must be either [page:Textures DepthFormat]
(default) or [page:Textures DepthStencilFormat]. See [page:Textures format constants] for details.
See the base [page:Texture Texture] class for common properties - the following are also part of the texture class, but have different defaults here.
Either [page:Textures DepthFormat] (default) or [page:Textures DepthStencilFormat].
See [page:Textures format constants] for details.
Default is [page:Textures THREE.UnsignedIntType]. The following are options and how they map to internal
gl depth format types depending on the stencil format, as well:
[page:Textures THREE.UnsignedIntType] -- Uses DEPTH_COMPONENT24 or DEPTH24_STENCIL8 internally.
[page:Textures THREE.FloatType] -- Uses DEPTH_COMPONENT32F or DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 internally.
[page:Textures THREE.UnsignedShortType] -- Uses DEPTH_COMPONENT16 internally. Stencil buffer is unsupported when using this type.
How the texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter]. See [page:Textures magnification filter constants] for other choices.
How the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter]. See [page:Textures magnification filter constants] for other choices.
Depth textures do not need to be flipped so this is `false` by default.
Depth textures do not use mipmaps.
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type [name].
This is used to define the comparison function used when comparing texels in the depth texture to the value in the depth buffer.
Default is `null` which means comparison is disabled.
See the [page:Textures texture constants] page for details of other functions.
See the base [page:Texture Texture] class for common methods.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]