[page:Texture] →


Creates a texture for use with a video.

Note: After the initial use of a texture, the video cannot be changed. Instead, call [page:.dispose]() on the texture and instantiate a new one.

Code Example

// assuming you have created a HTML video element with id="video" const video = document.getElementById( 'video' ); const texture = new THREE.VideoTexture( video );


[example:webgl_materials_video materials / video]
[example:webgl_materials_video_webcam materials / video / webcam]
[example:webgl_video_kinect video / kinect]
[example:webgl_video_panorama_equirectangular video / panorama / equirectangular]
[example:webxr_vr_video vr / video]


[name]( [param:Video video], [param:Constant mapping], [param:Constant wrapS], [param:Constant wrapT], [param:Constant magFilter], [param:Constant minFilter], [param:Constant format], [param:Constant type], [param:Number anisotropy] )

[page:Video video] -- The video element to use as the texture.
[page:Constant mapping] -- How the image is applied to the object. An object type of [page:Textures THREE.UVMapping]. See [page:Textures mapping constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant wrapS] -- The default is [page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping]. See [page:Textures wrap mode constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant wrapT] -- The default is [page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping]. See [page:Textures wrap mode constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant magFilter] -- How the texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.LinearFilter]. See [page:Textures magnification filter constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant minFilter] -- How the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel. The default is [page:Textures THREE.LinearFilter]. See [page:Textures minification filter constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant format] -- The default is [page:Textures THREE.RGBAFormat]. See [page:Textures format constants] for other choices.
[page:Constant type] -- Default is [page:Textures THREE.UnsignedByteType]. See [page:Textures type constants] for other choices.
[page:Number anisotropy] -- The number of samples taken along the axis through the pixel that has the highest density of texels. By default, this value is `1`. A higher value gives a less blurry result than a basic mipmap, at the cost of more texture samples being used. Use [page:WebGLrenderer.getMaxAnisotropy renderer.getMaxAnisotropy]() to find the maximum valid anisotropy value for the GPU; this value is usually a power of 2.


See the base [page:Texture Texture] class for common properties.

[property:Boolean generateMipmaps]

Whether to generate mipmaps. `false` by default.

[property:Boolean isVideoTexture]

Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type [name].

[property:Boolean needsUpdate]

You will not need to set this manually here as it is handled by the [page:VideoTexture.update update]() method.


See the base [page:Texture Texture] class for common methods.

[method:undefined update]()

This is called automatically and sets [page:VideoTexture.needsUpdate .needsUpdate] to `true` every time a new frame is available.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]